Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Melancholy....or not.

I think I’ve just hit an all time low point in my life right now. I cant seem to find my music, let alone finding the right notes. Somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed many days ago and its still bugging her, which, directly affects my opulence. There are ordeals that plunge me down the shame spiral and worse, everywhere you look, you see calamities. You take your stretching ritual in the morning on the balcony, thinking you would take a nice, slow, warm bath to start the day. A careless glance of your watch and your dream of a smooth sailing is shattered. You realize you have to reach the office by 8:45 am and its 8:30 am!! So much for peace and tranquility. The rest of the day, as the morning predicted, was a disaster. You returned home, exhausted by the rush and the reproach, and turned on the TV for comfort only to be greeted by local and international disasters. A collapsed wall here and a Tsunami there. All you could do at that moment was bury your head between your knees and pray. But at the end of the day, you realize you are better off than so many people in the world, particularly those unfortunate victims. The half empty glass is also half full. A fellow feeling here for all victims of the recent disasters!!!


  1. DO NOT MELANCHOLISE, BAYBEH. what touched me about the Japan tragedy was the fact that there was no looting, no violence. The haves readily gave to the have-nots, even the Yakuza got in on the action. Now that's truly what i call beauty for ashes. So cheer up, my presias, there is beauty and goodness still in this world of ours, muah

  2. What I liked most about the japan tragedy was the dog survival stories while more or less remaining untouched by the human stories. Does this make me a misanthrope? lol Watching the news sucks sometimes, but better than watching 'Jersey Shore' and the like..

  3. Tra Pi.. i blog chu van gothica deuh ve a.. In awmna ah ka rawn barakhaih dawn che u..."Melancholy....or not". a nimai. Thuziah poh ur fantastic keep writing :P
